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Funding a trust can be a time consuming and most times overwhelming process. From understanding the documentation the financial institution needs, filling out the necessary forms or responding to the technical questions that might come your way we find that most all trusts are improperly funded. Let us make sure that the goals you set out to accomplish with estate planning actually happen by letting finish the job.

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The term “trust fund” is thrown around often, yet most people have misconceptions regarding the process it entails. Unfortunately, moving assets into a trust fund is not as easy as clicking on a button that says “transfer.” Here’s where comes in. In this one-minute video, founder of, attorney Michael Rutkowski, explains how we can help you secure your financial future, and that of your loved ones. Take the first step and call us today at (248) 987 0400 to schedule a consultation. We will discuss your assets, your goals, and develop a roadmap to turn the latter into reality.

How We Help

Funding your trust is the process of transferring assets from your personal name into the name of your trust. This can be a very long and tedious process filled with pages and pages of forms. Each asset has its own specific way that ties it to your trust depending on the goals of the trust. Banks, Insurance Companies, Investment advisors and even the US Treasury Department have different rules and forms that need to be completed in order to fully fund your trust.

At we handle the entire process of re-titling your assets; change beneficiary designations; prepare, file and record deeds; and we work directly with your financial institutions to ensure everything is completed and done correctly.

Fully funding your trust is the only way to make sure that your assets avoid probate, have protection and avoid unnecessary State and Federal taxes (if applicable).

Assets We Fund

Different types of trusts serve different purposes for the important people in your life. Be advised: The trust you choose will not work for you unless important steps are completed to have it funded, and 90% of competing services don’t move your trust strategy past the finish line… Make sure yours counts! Which type of trust do you need funded?

Revocable Living Trust

Can be revised. Avoid probate, protect privacy, and minimize estate taxes

Irrevocable Trust

Cannot be revised, amended, or terminated, & offers tax shelter benefits

Asset Protection Trust

(APT) Protect assets from creditors, lawsuits, & judgments. Irrevocable. Domestic or Foreign/Offshore

SLAT Trust

(Spousal Lifetime Access Trust) Increased estate tax exemption by transfer to irrevocable trust


(Insurance Trust) Life insurance policy as asset, exempt from grantor’s taxable estate

Dynasty Trust

Protect wealth for generations; avoid transfer taxes like gift tax, estate tax, & GSTT

Marital Trust

(“A” Trust) To surviving spouse upon death of first, then to designated heirs upon death of second spouse

Special Needs Trust

Avoid risk to public assistance disability benefits for physically/mentally disabled or chronically ill recipients


Schedule a Free Consultation for a Funding Analysis!

Whether or not you have collaborated with an estate planner or financial advisor, we understand you have important questions regarding the plan for your assets. We make your plan work to serve your goals by funding your trust. Selecting a strategy is the first step, but you need to make it count by putting it into practice. Picking up where the others leave off, we take your plan across the finish line by completing your documentation and ensuring your trusts are funded.

We want to answer your questions and work with you to meet your long-term goals. Request a free consultation for a funding analysis!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is a Grantor?

The person(s) who establishes a Trust. Also referred to as the “Trustor” or “Settlor”.

Who is a Trustee?

One who holds legal title to Trust assets in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the Trust agreement. A Trust may have one or more Trustees (Co-Trustees) who act together.

What is the taxpayer ID number or EIN for my Trust?

The taxpayer ID number for a revocable living Trust is the grantor(s) or trustor(s) social security number. If a married couple has a joint Trust and both are listed as grantors, either social security number may be used for joint assets. This is in accordance with Treasury Regulation Section 301.6109-1(a)(2). Most financial institutions or investment companies will only allow you to use one social security number.

Do I transfer all my assets to my Trust?

Unless instructed otherwise by your estate planning attorney, all assets subject to probate, or assets that do not have beneficiary designations, should be titled in your Trust.

What happens to assets left outside of my Trust?

The “Pour Over Will” directs that all assets left outside the Trust be transferred to the Trust at death. However, those assets must go through probate, unless a beneficiary has been designated.

Is there anything I should not retitle to my Trust?

Yes. Retirement accounts, life insurance policies, annuity contracts, long term care policy, auto or umbrella liability policy, social security, safe deposit boxes, vehicles and 529 plans. These assets need to be tied to your Trust in a different way.

Do retirement plans get retitled to my Trust?

Not while you are alive. During your lifetime, retirement accounts (such as IRA’s, 401(K)’s, 403(b)’s, TSPs, Roth IRA’s, KEOGH, SEP-IRA’s, and Profit-Sharing plans, etc.) must remain in the owner’s name. However, it may be appropriate to name new beneficiaries depending on your estate planning strategy.

Do I have to order new checks for the checking account?

It is not necessary to have the Trust name printed on your check after your names. It is only essential that the signature card held by the bank bear the correct Trust designation.

How do I put my personal property in my Trust (paintings, antiques, jewelry, coins etc.)?

Since these assets have no registered title and no formal recognized transfer procedure, most trusts contains language “generally assigning” all of your tangible personal property to your Trust. Alternatively, transfer of ownership of any asset to the Trust can be initiated, and in some cases perfected, by signing a so-called “General Assignment” instrument directing transfer of “all rights, title and interest in and to” the property to the Trustee.

What should I do with my homeowner’s policy?

We notify and list your Trust as an additional insured under your homeowner’s policy.

Should I transfer my mortgage or home equity line of credit to my Trust?

No. If there are liabilities associated with your assets, the liabilities follow the assets. You will transfer your real estate into your Trust. However, it is not necessary to transfer the mortgage liability to your Trust.

If I put my home in my Trust, can I still deduct the mortgage interest?

Yes, you can.

If I place my home in my Trust, will it affect my mortgage?

Can the mortgage company “call” my mortgage? No. Transferring your home into your Trust will not affect your mortgage because you have not given away a beneficial interest in the property. However, if you are transferring commercial property to your Trust such as an office building, multi-unit apartment, office condo, you must obtain the lender’s permission to transfer the property to your Trust.

Do I have to have my assets appraised before I transfer them to my Trust?


Can I transfer assets back out of my Trust?

Yes, if your Trust is revocable. You may spend your assets, give assets away, and transfer assets back into your name without restriction. However, after a Trustor dies, depending on your type of trust, this power may change.

Once My Assets Are Transferred To The Trust Are They Protected Against My Creditors?

Depends on the type of trust. A revocable living trust does not provide this type of protection. There are Irrevocable trusts that do provide asset protection.

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