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Law Firms: Let us fund your clients’ trusts

Do you struggle to prepare a profitable funding process that works for your firm? Funding a trust can take three times the effort of intake and preparing the trust: Navigating the rules, filling out the forms, and following up with institutions for confirmation can be such a hassle that most firms’ services stop before this crucial step — leaving their clients to figure it out. empowers your firm to fund clients’ trusts profitably, and with little effort required.

Leverage’s funding solution, and differentiate your firm with a competitive advantage in your market.
We take your clients’ trusts across the finish line — And you make more money.

How It Works

This is a turnkey service: When your firm has finished your existing processes to draft a trust for a client, they seamlessly graduate to a Funding Department we manage with your firm’s branding intact. We coordinate with your client to fund the trusts, imparting updated funding status communications that feature your logo. We keep you in the loop, while we do the funding work.

You charge your clients what you determine is appropriate for your market and profitability. Schedule a consultation with our team to discuss rates and next steps.
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Schedule a call to discuss services for your law firm!

Your firm has its established processes, and we’ll tailor the handoff to seamlessly meet the needs for your firm and your customers. We have been fulfilling this process for our own clients for over 10 years, and we’re committed to helping you maintain strong customer relationships by providing added value for your clients.

Let’s discuss how can make funding trusts a profitable part of your firm’s business. Schedule a call with our team today to get started.

By partnering with, your firm can have a profitable Funding Department — ready to fund your clients’ trusts, as needed.
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There are many benefits of partnering with

  • Provide More Value for Happier, Better-Served Clients
  • More Revenue: Charge Clients for Funding Their Trusts
  • Hassle-Free, Hands-Off Service: Turnkey After Setup
  • Efficiency: Save Your Firm Time & Effort To Focus on Existing Services
  • Predictable, Consistent Costs — Set Your Prices for Profitability
  • Ensure Your New Clients Fund Their Trusts
  • Follow Up with a Superior Maintenance Plan That Funds Trusts
  • Engage For More Business: Amendments to Trusts, & More
  • Leverage Proven Processes: Over 10 Years Properly Funding Trusts
  • Satisfy Customer Service Touch Points
  • Prevent Unhappy Surprises Due To Unfunded Trusts
  • Peace of Mind for Clients and Your Law Firm
  • Solidify Positive Firm Reputation
  • Gain Competitive Advantage In Your Market
Don’t Get Left Behind — Your Competitors Should Fund Their Clients’ Trusts, Too

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Let Be Your Funding Department

At, we take the laborious, time-consuming, and often frustrating steps of funding a trust after it’s drafted, and transform it into an opportunity to serve your clients better — and more profitably.

If you are like most law firms that draft trusts, you provide your client with some instructions regarding funding steps and send them on their way. Many times, the client does not understand that the drafted trust will not take effect unless or until they move the relevant assets into the trust. is the solution to this problem. Building on over 10 years of profitably funding trusts for our clients, we now offer our funding service nationwide.

Take the first step and schedule a consultation with our team to discuss how we can integrate with your existing services to serve your new and existing trust clients in a seamless manner. Let’s chart a plan to efficiently and profitably take your clients’ trusts across the finish line, again and again.

We Help You Provide a Higher Standard of Service

Not only does leaving your clients’ trusts unfunded represent a huge risk for the client and their intended beneficiaries, but it threatens your firm’s reputation if disappointed clients tragically learn the hard way that the trust they paid your firm to prepare was never funded and never took effect. Nevertheless, most firms compromise to avoid these steps due to frustration and cost-efficiency issues. We are happy to report that we have solved that problem.

At, we believe in a better way. We have been taking our clients’ trusts across the funding finish line for over 10 years — and now you can, too. We offer our same trust funding service to Estate Planning law firms in all 50 states of the USA.

You can now turn the often-neglected afterthought of funding clients’ trusts into a profitable extension of your business that is not only hassle-free for you, but helps to ensure the trusts you draft will have the effects you and your clients envisioned. works as your Law Firm’s back-office Funding Department

We Can Fund Both New & Old Trusts For Your Clients

As we know, some trusts should be funded shortly after they are drafted, while others may be funded gradually, and revocable trusts may be modified. Perhaps you have drafted trusts for years or decades, and your clients could benefit from a follow-up funding analysis campaign. Our communications include funding tables that indicate funding status for trusts and relevant assets.

We integrate our funding services as an extension of your existing processes for new trusts, and we can also enhance your maintenance plan to make sure your clients’ estate planning needs are being met in the long term.

By partnering with, your firm can have a profitable Funding Department — ready to fund your clients’ trusts, as needed.
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